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June TV panel factory shipment ranking: BOE, TCL Huaxing, Huike, Qunchuang, LGD, Sharp, AU

Release time: Industry News
     The performance of the domestic 618 was lower than expected, and the inventory of the whole machine factory was at a high level, resulting in a decrease in the popularity of panel procurement. Panel prices are facing the risk of decline, and panel manufacturers are controlling production to cope. In June, mainland panel manufacturers lowered their production to below 80%, and global TV panel shipments in June decreased compared to the same period last month.
    According to AVC Revo's "AVC Industry Chain - Global TV Panel Production, Sales, and Inventory Monthly Report", the global LCD+OLED TV panel shipment in June was 21.4 million, a year-on-year decrease of 6% and a month on month decrease of 2%, respectively. The shipment area of TV panels in June was 15.9M square meters, a decrease of 1% and 2% compared to the same period last month. The process of large-scale production continues to advance, and the demand for 32 inch TV panels continues to shrink, with some turning to 40 inch products. At the same time, the production capacity of panel manufacturers is actively shifting towards large-sized and ultra large size products. The overall average shipment size in June was 51.9 inches, a year-on-year increase of 1.3 inches and a month on month increase of 0.3 inches.

From the perspective of panel factory shipments:

    BOE: TV panel shipments in June were 5.0 million, a decrease of 8% and 1% compared to the previous month, ranking first in shipments. From the perspective of size structure, there has been a significant increase in the month on month growth of large-sized products, with higher month on month increases in shipments of 55 inch and 75 inch products, both exceeding 10%; However, the month on month decline in small and medium-sized products has lowered the overall shipment level, with monthly shipments of 32 inch/43 inch products dropping to around 1M.

    CSOT: TV panel shipments in June were 3.8M, a decrease of 12% and 14% compared to the same period last month, ranking second in terms of shipments. In terms of size, except for a slight increase in the month on month sales of 50 inch panels, the shipment volume of other sizes has declined, with a significant decrease in the shipment volume of 32 inch/55 inch/75 inch panels.

    HKC: Shipment in June was 2.8M, a decrease of 13% and 24% compared to the same period last month. The significant month on month decline in shipments this month is partly due to some domestic brands reducing orders after the 618 shopping festival, and partly due to negotiations between HKC and brands regarding prices. In terms of size, the largest reduction was observed in the panel sizes of 23.6 inches and 32 inches, while shipments of other sizes remained stable or slightly decreased.

    INX shipped 3.4M in June, with a year-on-year increase of 7% and 1% respectively. In terms of size, shipments of 42 inch/55 inch products have declined slightly, while shipments of other sizes have increased or remained stable. The shipment volume of small and medium-sized 32 inch/40 inch/43 inch/50 inch products has increased significantly compared to the previous period.

    LGD: 2.0M shipped in June. LCD panel shipments were 1.4M, a year-on-year increase of 87% and a month on month increase of 8%. OLED panel shipments were 628000 pieces, a year-on-year increase of 9% and a month on month increase of 55%.

    Sharp: Shipped 1.5M in June, with a year-on-year decrease of 2% and 5% respectively. SDPJ shipments have decreased, partly due to reduced demand for small-sized 32 inch products, and partly due to high customer inventory and requests for delayed shipments. The increase in SDPC shipments is mainly due to the stable increase in demand for large-sized 65 inch/75 inch products.

    AUO: June shipment 1 5M, with year-on-year and month on month growth of 3% and 14% respectively. This month, there has been an increase in demand for 43 inch and 50 inch sizes, with a significant increase in shipment volume compared to the previous month. The shipment volume of other sizes has remained relatively stable or slightly decreased compared to the previous month.

    CHOT shipped 1.2M in June, a decrease of 8% and 4% compared to the same period last month. CHOT has been adjusting its size structure since the beginning of this year, focusing on 85 inch products. This month, except for 85 inch products, the shipment volume remained unchanged, while the shipment volume of other sizes decreased month on month.

    SDC: In June, QD OLED panels shipped approximately 120000 pieces, a year-on-year decrease of 17% and 1% respectively.

    At present, brand inventory is still at a high level, and negotiations and discussions between the brand and panel factories regarding panel prices, rebates, and future demand are still ongoing. The panel prices in July are facing a turning point. Mainland panel factories have stated that they will continue to control production and maintain low operations in July. It is expected that global TV panel shipments will decrease by 3% month on month in July.

News source - LCD website( )